Ben Liu, licensed acupuncturist of California. He also learn acupuncture experience from his mother. He has a rich acupuncture clinical experience. Method: acupuncture, deep tissue massage, acupressure, cupping, moxibustion, herb, TDP lamp. Treatment Price List: Acupuncture: $40 per visit ( it take about 1 hr from the time patient come in and leave) Massage: $30/30min $50/60min Cupping: $10-$30 Moxibustion: $10-$20
Speccialing: headache, migraine, neckpain, sleeping wrong therapy instant relief, tennis elbow, wrist pain, carpal tunnel sydrome, back pain, lower back pain, sciatica, knee pain, feet pain, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, Bell's palsy, insomnia, anxiety, depression. Method: acupuncture, deep tissue massage/ acupressue, cupping, moxibustion, herb, TDP health lamp.