We established our first Taekwondo studio in Dublin and quickly expanded to Fremont and Santa Clara. Our academy is thriving and we offer a variety of classes across the Bay Area both in-person, virtually, and mixed in-person/virtually.
We specialize in Taekwondo, which is a type of martial arts that focuses on self-defense and holds five tenets, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit. Taekwondo strengthens students physically and teaches them cooperation, respect, and pride in their community. We offer a broad variety of classes, including: Little Ninjas (for children under the age of 5), White Belt (10th gup, or belt level), Beginner (9-8th gup), Intermediate (7-5th gup), Advanced (4th gup and above), Black Belt training and Black Belt patterns (Black belt students or black belt candidates). Our students come from all over the Bay Area and attend classes either in-person (when the county permits), virtually, or in mixed in-person/virtual classes. Students are between the ages of 4 and 70 although we primarily cater to students under the age of 18. Our students have competed and placed around the world, including at a recent Pan-American ITF competition in October 2020.