Dr. Cheryl A. Young, CEO of aVowel Education, earned her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. She was a teacher of students with dyslexia and learning disabilities for over fifteen years. She has been trained in Orton-Gillingham and multiple evidence-based literacy programs. She was most recently the K-12 Reading Coordinator for the Washington State education agency, and has relocated to San Diego to pursue her passion - providing effective instruction to and advocating for children with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. Although schools do the best they can with the funds they have, sometimes they cannot or do not meet the specific, critical needs of struggling readers and writers. In addition, many teachers are not provided with the training necessary to meet their students' needs. Therefore, Dr. Young created aVowel Education to ensure that children are offered the opportunity to become academically successful, and college and career ready.
aVowel Education offers effective, systematic one-on-one reading, writing, spelling, and study skills instruction to children with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. We use prevention and intervention multisensory programs and methods that are supported by rigorous research and have a history of success. Based upon assessment data, we maximize each child's academic potential. We also offer consulting services and professional development to school and district personnel. We partner with you.