Assurity has successfully helped thousands of clients protect their rights, resolve their debt, and return to a place of Financial Strength. Assurity is an industry leader in Legal Debt Resolution providing an alternative to bankruptcy and maintains an extremely high level of customer satisfaction.
With a focus on providing customized services with exceptional customer assistance, Assurity Financial Solutions stands as a leading Attorney Based Debt Resolution Firm. With locations in Orange County and San Francisco, California, as well as in Oklahoma, the skilled professionals at Assurity Financial Solutions are dedicated to assisting clients improve their lives by helping them reach better financial status through debt resolution and ensuring that clients are aware of and exercise their rights. Often reducing clients' debt by up to 75%, Assurity Financial Solutions' Legal Team provides expertise in the area of debt to ensure optimal debt resolution. The group's credit repair program includes legal assistance with credit dispute forms, creditor interventions, and a variety of other tactics for improving one's credit. These services are included in Assurity Financial Solution's debt resolution program.