Arcadia Acupuncture and Foot Massage is located in the same plaza as RadioShack, on the opposite corner of the street from the Arcadia Hub Shopping Center. As the title suggests, it specializes in acupuncture and foot massages, but it also does much more. The location offers a wide variety of services including acupressure, reflexology, massage therapy and sports therapy. It cares for aches such as arthritis, neck, shoulder, back, knee and ankle pains. The friendly and professional staff help treat or prevent symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, anxiety, stress and depression.
Arcadia Acupuncture and Foot Massage also can help you quit smoking or lose weight. Walk-in appointments are available, and it usually has three to four specialists on staff. Arcadia Acupuncture and Foot Massage conveniently located near the 10 and the 210 freeways.