Aquila Polonica Publishing is a book publishing company that specializes in historical books about Poland during World War II. Aquila Polonica, which means "Polish eagle" in Latin, has published The Mermaid and the Messerschmitt: War Through a Woman's Eyes, 1939-1940, by Rulka Langer and The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom, by Stefan Waydenfeld. The company has also acquired the rights to more than 30 other books. Aquila Polonica's books can be found in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Terry Tegnazian and Stefan Mucha cofounded the company out of a discovered mutual interest in the untold stories of the Polish experience during the war. While Mucha, of Polish descent, is located in the UK, Tegnazian runs this Los Angeles office. Tegnazian has her own writing projects and has worked as both a lawyer and film producer in Los Angeles. The office is also home to Incal Associates, LTD, a private management consulting firm.