As their top agent west of the Mississippi, American Telegram went into competition with Western Union. And when Western Union stopped their Telegram business, many of their customers turned to American Telegram to continue sending timely, urgent messages. We have Corporate Accounts that have been with us for decades. We pride ourselves in getting messages delivered. After a half million customers being serviced, we do understand that the 2 or 3 complaints in all those years, are to be expected. We still would prefer that every customer comes away with a great experience. That being said, American Telegram is rated with a AAA rating from Business Consumer Alliance as of 5/8/2018. That's THIS year!
It's amazing how grateful most customers are for the good service we provide. We handle the standard Birthday, Wedding, Funeral Telegram, but we are also handling Contract Cancellations, which customers find are extremely helpful especially when the vendor is not answering their phones or returning calls. As an FCC Authorized Telegram Company, we time and date stamp every order. Legally, the contract is cancelled once they file with us. We keep the info on file. Telegrams hold up as a legal document in a court of law. I have seen staff members go above and beyond to help a customer. And the number of thank you emails we receive clearly reflects that. We are reachable by phone from 8am - Midnight 7 days a week with live operators for sending Telegrams. Customers tell us they enjoy being able to talk with us directly. Corporate Accounts say they enjoy the ability to send us an excel spread sheet and know that their message as a Postalgram is on it's way, same day. Feel free to find us on the web for Telegrams at all hours!