In the late 1920's, Wallace T. Jones opened American Business Machines (ABM), an office equipment store in Bakersfield, CA. At the time ABM was under franchise Remington Rand, a premier calculator and typewriter manufacturer. Wallace believed ABM was destined to succeed following the strategy of offering products of exceptional quality at a fair price with good old fashioned customer service. Despite the years of the Great Depression ABM continued to grow proving Wallace's strategy correct. By the late 1960's, copiers were becoming a necessity in the business world and demand was increasing. In 1972, ABM proudly became one of the first Canon dealers for copiers on the west coast. Digital black and white mult-ifunctional copiers/faxes/printers came into play in the early 1990's. Soon after Canon digital color copiers arrived in the late 1990's. The demand for Canon copiers was so high they quickly became the main product and focus of ABM.
American Business Machines (ABM) is a leader in office technology. Our core business solutions include multi-functional copiers, printing services, voice over IP phones, security cameras, managed IT, backup and disaster recovery, voice, data, and internet services. With nearly a century of experience, ABM is one of the oldest and most trusted office solutions dealers in the nation. We have seven strategic locations serving California. With our consultative approach we create custom business solutions to help reduce costs and increase productivity.