Board Certified Structural Integrator 2001 - 2013 New York, NY 2013 - 2016 Laguna Beach, CA San Clemente, CA Costa Mesa, CA Los Angeles, CA
Structural Integration dramatically alters your structure and posture and can resolve discomfort, release tension and alleviate pain. It can also restore and enhance flexibility, revitalize energy and have you feeling more comfortable in your body. Structural Integration facilitates more efficient use of muscles, allowing your body to conserve energy, and create more refined patterns of movement with less effort. This reduces chronic stress and enhances neurological functioning. Benefits of Structural Integration: * Increase flexibility and ease of movement * Increase energy and vitality * Improve balance * Release chronic pain, tension and stress * Enhance physical performance * Improve posture * Improve athletic performance * Enhance body awareness * Reduce effort in activity * Look and feel younger * Expand your sense of well being Structural Integration is a system of 10 bodywork sessions used to align and balance the physical body within its gravitational field by freeing and reorganizing the myofascia, or connective tissue that surrounds the muscles. Dr. Rolf discovered that the body is organized in layers and that in order to create lasting change, the Structural Integration Series must create length and space in the outermost layers before working with deeper, more core layers in the body.