My business got started march 14,2014. It has been hard work but we're on a mission to enhance our Programs/Services We are proud of the programs and services for our youth. *Leadership Training * Occupational Training *Employment Readliness *Entrepreneur Training * Internships * Agriculture Training * Enrichment After School Program * Sport Activities *Parenting Classes Domestic Violence * Equip Community Glee Club * Financial Services Our Mission A Loving Fathers and Mothers mission is to building youth through * Self-Esteem *Foundation for Success *Integrity *Responsibility * Respect. come ONE come ALL.
OUR VISION: A Loving Fathers and Mothers Heart Is a non profit organization the provides activities, life skills courses for youth from all walks of life. To assist youth in maintaining a healthy life style, while nurturing and empowering tools to accomplish the goals that lead to future success. OUR MISSION: A Loving Fathers and Mothers Heart mission is to building youth through *Self- Esteem *Foundation for success * Integrity * Responsibility * Respect. We deal with Children 4 years old until 17 years old.