What you put in your mouth either upgrades your or downgrades you, every time! The food we consume contribures to 90% of our health. 2.0 Coffee Co. was born out of the need to provide our community with a place that has amazing tasing food and beverages that upgrade your body and brain by providing clean energy and nutrients in every bite or sip! The owners utitlized this type of food and eating habits to transform their lives, they want to help you transform yours!
2.0 Coffee Co. speciallizes in offering the cleanest food and beverages anywhere in the valley. Our ingredients are sourced locally, fresh and organic. We cook with only high quality fats and oils and our menu can be adapted for customers living any of the clean eating lifestyle programs such as Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Carnivore, Whole 30 etc. We offer monfruit and stevia for sugar-free beverages and our coffee beans are lab tested for mold and mycotoxins to give you the cleanest brew around!