Rhea Lana's Children's Consignment is a renowned franchise that originated in 1997 with humble beginnings in Conway, AR, and has now expanded to 80 events across 25 states. With a strong focus on helping young moms and families, Rhea Lana's offers inviting, excellent, and valuable children's consignment events, providing a platform for consignors to sell their high-quality items and shoppers to find affordable and stylish clothing for their little ones.
Owned by Ashley Shaver, Rhea Lana's of NWA and Fayetteville Springdale in Northwest Arkansas have garnered recognition and accolades, including being named the #1 Franchise in the Company, boasting the most consignors and the largest percentage of items sold. Committed volunteers, dedicated shoppers, and consignors who bring beautiful children's items contribute to the success of Rhea Lana's, which has been connecting families and providing quality clothing since 1996.
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