All Kinds of Sittin' will be holding it's Grand Opening on November 1, 2021. That will be the day that clients nationwide will be able to hire sitters of all sorts. Until then, we are just hiring sitters to fill the many positions we have open. If you are interested in becoming a sitter, please go to allkindsofsittin.com and click on the join our team tab.
All Kinds of Sittin' specializes in 16 different types of sitting jobs: after-school sitters, babysitters, date-night sitters, dog walker, doulas, event sitters, house sitters, mother's helpers, nannies, over-night sitters, patient sitters, pet sitters, plant sitters, senior sitters, special needs sitters and tutors. People are always looking for a sitter of some sort and that is where we come in. If you are going on vacation, having a baby, need a babysitter, are a new parent, need someone to walk your dog or watch after your pets, have a loved one in the hospital or are a senior citizen that needs someone to help you run errands we are there for all of those things. So as you can see, All Kinds of Sittin' is there for all you sitting needs.