Ours is bodywork that honors the sacred elements of body, mind, and spirit. Doubleheart is unique in the Prescott area in offering 4-handed massage, traditional Hawai'ian healing lomilomi, and specific therapeutic deep tissue massage from a duo of trained, licensed massage therapists and teachers. Our mission is to create a space where deep, profound healing can occur on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Stepping into our studio is an invitation into vulnerability, removing masks, and a choose-your-own-adventure level of rebirth. We believe healing is every human's birthright, our ultimate journeys. Devin and Alix are trained in specific, therapeutic & deep tissue techniques (neuromuscular therapy, trigger point, active release, gua sha, trigger point cupping) to pinpoint and address particular problem areas in the body and also traditional lineages of Hawai'ian healing (lomilomi, kahi loa & elemental shamanism) to address the aspects of each person that often affect bodily structures and functions through emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Most important in every session is