Since 1992, Jeff has held various security licenses assisting job changers, baby boomers and retirees with structuring effective retirement accumulation portfolios while teaching them how to mitigate risks to the plan and how to create a sustainable stream of income to last throughout their retirement years.
Can I afford to retire now? Am I saving enough to retire one day? Expecting an Inheritance and/or Inherited IRA? Review of your 401(k) investment election options? What should I know about long term illness in retirement? Do you need Retirement and Financial Independence Planning? Did you win the Lottery? How should I handle all this money? How do I minimize taxes while maximizing my retirement income? Selling your business and needing business succession planning? Am I investing my savings appropriately based on my risk tolerance? What is the best social security benefit election strategy to choose? How can I protect my retirement savings from stock market declines? Should I elect a Medicare supplement coverage or Medicare advantage coverage? Is my family protected if I am unable to work due to accident or illness? What estate planning documents should I consider? Will or Revocable Living Trust? How do I draw down on my retirement savings without running out of money before running out of life? Do you need to discuss major life changes, i.e. death of a spouse, divorce, QDRO (qualified domestic relations order)? What should I know about Required Minimum Distributions from my qualified retirement savings (IRAs, 403(b), TSA, TSP, etc.)? Wanting a review of your variable annuity, life insurance, indexed annuity, fixed annuity, and/or deferred compensation plans?