Ruth Lusby brings over 25 years of extensive litigation experience in family law, providing not only legal expertise and understanding of family law to assist clients through difficult times but also a commitment to finding a wide range of solutions to even the most complex problems. For many clients, the decision to divorce not only is a difficult one, but it may have emotional and financial effects long after the divorce is concluded. There are many options to resolve divorce and other family matters. Many clients think that going to court is the first option, but there are other, preferable ways to resolve family disputes which reduce the emotional and financial turmoil caused by and during court proceedings, including mediation and collaborative divorce. Ruth Lusby is a trained mediator and collaborative divorce attorney, who uses her skill, knowledge and compassion to help clients resolve disputes without going to court whenever possible. Clients are informed about all available options so they can choose what is best for them. She offers legal representation in the following areas of family law: Divorce or legal separation Disposition of community property and debt, spousal maintenance, custody, parenting time, child support Collaborative Divorce - a non-adversarial out of court process to resolve all divorce issues as well as other family matters Paternity -- establish paternity, custody and parenting plans, child support C...