After working a 9 to 5 for many years, Jeff was laid off during the recession. While browsing Craigslist he responded to an ad seeking a subcontractor to cleanout foreclosed houses and started the following day. He quickly learned the ropes in the mortgage industry field and began taking on larger contracts. During the peak years Riverview was performing landscape maintenance on over 400 houses each week throughout the state. In addition to landscaping, Riverview was hired to evict tenants, change locks, remove debris, abate code and safety violations, and repair and rehab properties so the banks and investors could put the house on the market. While Riverview still has a hand in the foreclosed housing market, their main focus is on residential landscaping service and installation.
Full service licensed, insured, and bonded contractor specializing in landscape installation, service, and repair. Riverview prides itself on providing an honest, reliable, and quality service to Valley residents and not just a guy with a truck and trailer that you found on Craigslist. We perform regular recurring services on over 100 properties as well as one time yard cleanups, tree pruning, and new installations including pavers, turf, and outdoor kitchens