In 1974, a young, earnest psychologist named Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D. had a noble aspiration. He wanted to hold an educational meeting of mental health professionals. For six years, Dr. Zeig, along with other colleagues, trained and mentored under Milton H. Erickson M. D., the world's foremost authority on hypnosis. Dr. Erickson never charged his students, so to express his gratitude and to offer Dr. Erickson an opportunity to witness the tremendous impact he had made in the field, Dr. Zeig organized the first Congress. As plans were underway, the need to establish a more formal non-profit educational foundation was recognized. The Milton H. Erickson Foundation was incorporated October 29, 1979. Unfortunately, Dr. Erickson died nine months before the Congress but was able to appreciate that 750 had already registered. The Congress, held in December of 1980, attracted more than 2,000 and was the largest meeting ever held on the topic of hypnosis.
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to promoting and advancing the contributions made to the health sciences by the late Milton H. Erickson, M.D. through training mental health professionals and health professions world wide.