The City of Mesa purchased the Mesa Grande ruins in the 1980s to preserve Mesa's premier cultural treasure and to open it to the public as an educational and recreational facility. This project has had the enthusiastic support of the community since 1927 when local citizens and the chamber of commerce held a parade down Main Street to promote its development. More recently, the Mesa Grande Neighborhood Alliance identified the development of Mesa Grande as a heritage tourism destination as their number one economic goal. We have been open to the public since 2013 on a seasonal basis, October-May.
Mesa Grande specializes in offering a glimpse into Arizona's rich history. Come explore the largest Hohokam mound in the valley in the heart of downtown Mesa. $5 adults, $2 for children. Joint tickets to Arizona Museum of Natural History Available. Interactive Field Trips 3 hours * $9 per person for AzMNH combined field trip of 3 hours and $6 per person for 1.5 hours at Mesa Grande We offer interactive field trips led by trained archaeologists and educators for grades 4 and up. Students learn how archaeologists study the past. Trip may be combined with a visit to AzMNH. Open Seasonally, October-May. 2017/2018 Dates: October 18, 2017- May 20, 2018.