While serving in the Korean War as the official combat artist of the U.S. Navy, Mr. Cabot created several pieces of artwork that to this day hang in the Naval Historical Center, Navy Art Collection in Washington, D.C. These paintings and drawings were also exhibited in Tokyo, where 85,000 spectators viewed them within the first week. In honor of his life's work, The Hugh Cabot III Studio Museum Gallery opened in 2016. Located in Tubac, Arizona, where he spent 37 years creating art, the museum consists of Mr. Cabot's life history, and his art works including lithographs of prints, inks of rodeos and cowboys. This art will be for sale. His oil paintings remain gallery pieces only, however I have resently taken in many original oils on concignment for sale. these can be seen at the museum location by appointment, or you can stop in at the Gallery at 19 Tubac rd.
My name is Tom Martin. After the passing of Hugh in 2005 and Olivia Cabot in 2015 I was left with the Cabot estate with the charge of making sure the legacy of Hugh Cabots continued on. In that spirit I tranceformed the studio in which he painted(a small airplane hangar in an older residential area in Tubac Az) Into the Hugh Cabot studio/museum. Recently I partnered with a friend and opened a Gallery featuring the works of Hugh Cabot and a framing studio, called Arroyo