Fumar Cigars is a purveyor of fine cigars in Phoenix, Arizona, offering a unique experience that combines the rich history of Americana with the tobacco industry. With a one-of-a-kind prohibition-era lounge and over 700 selections of cigars and accessories, Fumar Cigars provides a luxurious setting for cigar enthusiasts to indulge and enrich themselves. They also offer custom cigar rolling shows for corporate events, weddings, and special occasions, as well as custom-made cigar bars and private label cigars for a personalized touch.
In addition to their retail and lounge operations, Fumar Cigars provides on-site services featuring their incredible cigars, custom humidors, and unrivaled support at luxury resorts, golf clubs, and private clubs. Their team also offers consulting services to develop concepts, create new lounges, and design unique experiences for guests and clients. Fumar Cigars is known for their attention to detail and quality, creating custom accessories such as humidors, cutters, lighters, and labels. Furthermore, they are committed to giving back through their charitable foundation, supporting military, veterans, first responders, and their families.
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