For over 10 years, Dr. Jing Liu LAc. OMD., Ph.D. (China) and her team have offered a unique blend of Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat many different illnesses ranging from sports injury and pain management to chronic illness, cancer support, stroke rehabilitation and infertility. At Eastern Medicine Center we provide a profound healing alternative where we treat the cause of illness, not just the symptoms. Our center is the largest acupuncture clinic in Arizona and the most comprehensive supply of Chinese herbs in the Valley. Our philosophy views the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of person as a complete entity, rather than fragments. Each patient is given a personalized treatment plan addressing the root of the problem based on diet, emotions, and daily lifestyle.
Dr. Liu specializes in: Chronic Internal illness, Cancer support treatment, Infertility for man & woman, Woman's Health Issues, Sports Injuries, Pain Mananagment,Depression and Anxiety, Digestive Disorders, I.B.S. Headaches, Asthma, Allergies, Neurological, Pain Management, Chronic Internal problems, ADD/ADHD, Tourette's, Stroke, Epilepsy, Parkinsons, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cancer, Depression, Dermatology, Headaches/Migraines, Natural Healing, Nutrition, Pediatric, OBGYN (women/men issues), Skin Problems, Sleep Disorders, Sports Medicine, Wellness, ETC.. If you do not see your related issue here, please call our office to find out more of what we treat! Dr. Liu focus on treating the root of the cause, not just the symptoms because Chinese Medicine is treating the whole body.