Business services, nec, nec, Services, nec, nec, Environmental consultant
Ninyo & Moore
Ninyo & Moore, located in Phoenix, is a full-service environmental engineering company that offers geotechnical, environmental and materials testing consultancy services. It provides services to clients in the public and private sectors. Headquartered Phoenix, the firm employs more than 300 professionals including registered geotechnical and civil engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, engineering geologists, geophysicists, environmental scientists, industrial hygienists, field technicians, special deputy inspectors. The company specializes in various fields, such as regulatory issues and interpretation, hazardous waste management, and health and safety and remedial action planning. It also offers mechanical services, including pipe fitting, steam fitting, fiberglass pipe work, piping system upgrades, concrete work, double-wall piping, fitting of groundwater sensors and groundwater pumping systems.