I have been a massage therapist for 27 years. What led me into this type of service, I always had a heart felt sense for people and the suffering, and decided to do something about it through touch which has been challenging and rewarding dealing with so many people from all walks of life. I have been able to reach greater depths and greater connection with customers from all over the world.
I specialize in facilitating a Integrated massage therapy, which involves many modalites in any session, its all or nothing. My work addresses many levels of mind- body and reconnects what has been disconnected from life through tough times, traumas and stressors. Integrated massage includes one or more of the following massage modalities, but is more than just a type of massage. Integrated massage includes a level of communication with your therapist that tailors your massage experience to your individual needs. The body communicates and expresses through touch. Allowing a verbal communication from your body can be a very powerful tool to explore. It brings a greater understanding to customer and therapist which can assist with solutions and/or directions to your healing.