My patients and I work together to incorporate acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine into their self-care plan treating chronic illnesses, healing from health crises, reducing stress and optimizing their quality of life. The wisdom of this paradigm often helps patients find their center and maneuver through seasonal and life's challenges with greater ease and joy. I use a combination of several techniques to improve my patient's condition including, a series of rehabilitative stretches and strengthening exercises based on hatha Yoga and Hara breathing as well as muscular release techniques, which are incorporated into each session. I primarily focus on both the energetic and muscular components of the injury whether it be physical or emotional.
Here at Asian Healing Arts & Acupuncture our Patients on average feel at least 50% better after just their initial Wellness Acupuncture Treatment no matter what they are being treated for Autoimmune, Hormone Imbalances, Drug Dependencies, Weight Loss, Depression, Allergies, Bloating, Leaky Gut, Adrenal Exhaustion, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Hip Pain, Neck Pain, Joint Pain. Our unique approach effectively works to heal the body, calm the mind and align the spirit with the flow of nature and the universe.