Asian Fighting & Healing Arts in Flagstaff, AZ is a renowned organization dedicated to the preservation, research, and dissemination of traditional Chinese martial and medical arts. Led by founder Vince Black, who began his martial arts journey in the 1960s, the association offers training in various disciplines such as Qigong, Neigong, Fighting Medicine, and Martial Arts, including Xingyi Quan and Bagua Zhang. With a focus on internal Chinese martial arts and medicine, Asian Fighting & Healing Arts provides a unique opportunity for individuals to train and learn in a family-style environment.
The North American Tang Shou Tao Association Cooperative (NATSTA) is a 501c3 organization that regularly organizes national and international training opportunities, as well as regional events, seminars, and retreats. Founded by Vince Black in the mid-1980s, NATSTA grew out of his teaching experience while attending Chinese medicine college. With a mission to preserve and research traditional Chinese martial and medical arts, NATSTA offers certified instructors who provide private lessons or small group training, ensuring a comprehensive and authentic learning experience for its members.
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