Internal medicine practitioners, Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Clinic, operated by physicians
Eastern Aleutian Tribes
Founded in 1991, Eastern Aleutian Tribes is a tribally owned, Alaskan native health organization in Alaska. The organization provides health care in remote sites in Alaska. It was founded by several Aleut Tribes, such as Agdaagux Tribal Council, Akutan Traditional Council, Nelson Lagoon Tribal Council and Unga Tribal Council from the Aleutian Peninsula. Eastern Aleutian Tribes operates several clinics, such as Anesia Kudrin Memorial Medical Clinic, Anna Livingston Memorial Clinic, Anna Hoblet Memorial Clinic, Adak Medical Clinic and King Cove Clinic in Cold Bay, Akutan, False Pass, Adak and King Cove, Alaska. The organization is headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska.