The Monroeville Police Department is a dedicated law enforcement agency located in Downtown Monroeville, Alabama. Housed in a newly constructed 8,800 square foot building, the department consists of a team of 26 police officers, four non-sworn personnel, and two administrative support personnel. Committed to improving and maintaining the quality of life in the community, the department works in collaboration with the residents and businesses to promote safe neighborhoods and a secure business environment.
With a mission to serve and protect, the Monroeville Police Department is actively engaged in reaching out to the community. Led by Chief Mandee Armstrong, the department is staffed by a team of dedicated professionals, including Captain Eric Simon, Lieutenant Mike Davenport, Chief Investigator Brian House, Investigator Ray Sellers, Investigator Mike Crum, and Investigator Phylicia Black. Together, they work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents and businesses in Monroeville.
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