Alabama Foot Center, Inc. is the private office of Chris DePorter, DPM. Dr. DePorter specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of the foot and its related structures. The clinic is located at Bedford Office Park in Tuscaloosa, AL on HWY 82 (McFarland Blvd., NE) just East of the intersection of Watermelon Rd. and McFarland Blvd. across from the old Delchamps grocery store. Office hours are Mon, Wed, Th and Fri 9AM-5PM. Tuesday clinic in Winfield, AL 9AM- 5PM. The clinic in Winfield is located in the Wellness Center lower level next to Dr. Fowler's office. Dr. DePorter treats all conditions of the foot and its related structures. Common problems treated are bunions, hammertoes, heel spurs, plantar fascitis, Morton's Neuroma, ingrown toenails, warts and fungal toenails. Outpatient surgery is done at Northriver Surgery Center in Tuscaloosa and at Northwest Medical Center in Winfield. New patients welcome and the clinic files on most Private Insurances & Medicare.
Private practice established in 1995 and is the continuation of over 60 years of continuous service to the Tuscaloosa and surrounding communities.