Other Running Events
Marathons, 5K's and 10K's aren't the only kinds of running events. There are plenty of other running events that are just as serious and well-established. Check out this section to learn all about other running events.
How the Athens Twilight 5K Works
How the Edison Festival of Light 5K Works
How Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10K Works
How the Get In Gear 10K Works
How the Nike+ Human Race Works
Kathrine Switzer: The First Female to 'Officially' Run the Boston Marathon
Top 5 Walker-friendly Marathons
5 Biggest Marathons
Learn More
To your left is a team of Elvises. To your right is Spongebob Squarepants. And up ahead, well, someone is nude. Welcome to San Francisco's infamous 12K race -- the Bay to Breakers.
By Clint Pumphrey
Around 1 percent of the world's population has run a marathon. What about people who are physically fit -- but not athletes -- who want to run a longer race than the 10K? These three mini-marathons may be the ticket.
By Brian Boone