
Travel destinations are the stuff of daydreams and memories. Discover the many options available such as adventure travel, city guides and family vacations.

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It is one of the most awaited festivals all over the world, where people come from all nooks and crannies to indulge themselves in one epic partying spree. In fact, planning your New Years Eve can be downright stressful and overwhelming.

By Lindsay MacNevin

Taking your kids on vacation is always a gamble, will you be able to find enough fun, engaging activities to keep them satisfied and tired out at the end of the day? While on the surface, England may seem like it's more stuffy museums and 'please don't touch signs' than anything else but that's simply [...]

By Freelance Contributor

Western Europe is more common with European tourists; the travel is easier, the landmarks more popular, the language barrier less frightening. But Eastern Europe is a multicultural haven for seasoned travelers and tourists alike. For years it was the undiscovered part of Europe; it is less traveled, and thus less crowded- but that is what makes it [...]

By Brea Elford


There is no denying it; we are living in a glorious age where food trucks have become the hottest places to grab some grub. Cities all over America are host to hundreds of food trucks that offer everything from the typical taco to over the top gourmet meals.

By Lindsay MacNevin

Beloved American writer, traveler and culinary curator Anthony Bourdain recently published a list on his Facebook account listing his 10 favorite hotels in the world. He describes himself as a "Hotel Slut" having stayed in so many different places over the years.

By Freelance Contributor

It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that vacations are good for us-after all, taking time for ourselves to discover new places, to engage in activities we enjoy and even just to spend quality time with family and friends all seem like great things to do and pleasant ways to spend our time.

By Ashley Rayner

Southern France is so much more than the French Riviera, Cannes, luxury hotels, and glamorous parties on opulent yachts-not that any of that isn't enjoyable, but to the average traveler, maybe not be so attainable.

By Susie Stauffer


For Cuba, the tourists just keep pouring in as the 'it' country of the Caribbean sees global attention thanks to an on-going ease of travel restrictions for Americans. And every one else seems to want to see the island trapped in a time warp before the influx of Americans changes the Cuban landscape for good.

By Freelance Contributor

The heartland of the U.S. has brought us world-famous beers like Budweiser and Miller High Life and in recent years, it's become home to an increasing number of outstanding microbreweries. These shrines to foamy goodness in a glass are bringing back the art of hand-crafted lagers and ales that was the norm for so long.

By Jeff Waddle

There's no denying that the U S of A is an incredibly large country. It's not the largest (falling behind Russia and Canada, then slightly ahead of China), but it's still pretty darn huge. Ranging an entire section of a continent, and even reaching into boarders that aren't connected to its majority.

By Bethaney Wallace

Experience one of Spain's favorite activities-evening tapas at these 10 popular spots in Barcelona. Join the locals for an afternoon or early evening feast of small plates ranging from blood sausages and Spanish omelets to more inventive small plates like tuna topped with caviar and platters of garlic prawns.

By Sara Whitford


Vacationing in the Galapagos Islands is a dream shared by countless outdoor adventurers and wildlife enthusiasts. Like any vacation, a trip to this Darwinian dreamscape can be planned on a fairly limited budget, after all the biggest attractions are naturally occurring and available to anyone with a little ambition and a good pair of shoes.

By Susie Stauffer

Don't blow a fuse...literally and figuratively speaking. It's one of those things on the 'to do list' of every savvy international traveler: "check power, buy power adapter" and it's a step which if missed could mean a useless electronic device or worse, a fried one.

By Freelance Contributor

When people talk about travel, a lot of the discussion will focus on the best places to travel-and there are certain places that rank high on the list of great places to visit.

By Ashley Rayner

The masterful telling of an iconic journey will take you places, spark your imagination, and inspire grandiose plans. Celebrating the essence of exploration is, in itself, a celebration of humankind and the world.

By Susie Stauffer


Ask any North American to name the first city of England they can think of and we'll bet they say London more times than not.

By Freelance Contributor

The iconic Atlantis resort seemingly rises up out of the ocean, and absolutely sprawls out across Paradise Island in the Bahamas. This resort has a colorful Disney-like vibe, with themed hotels, attractions, endless activities and crowds.

By Heather Wright

Of all the continents in the world, it's apparent South America's people have the most innate penchant for parties of all kinds, from food fairs to music festivals and religious fetes, each is celebrated with passion, enthusiasm, and a rainbow of costumes.

By Susie Stauffer

Winter is coming. Actually for many places, the season of chapped lips, cracked knuckles and putting on five layers before stepping foot outside is already here.

By Freelance Contributor


Parenthood is awesome and rewarding in the way that no other experience is. On a more pragmatic note, it's also exhausting (especially in those early days, filled with sleepless nights). You're also transitioning from a party of two to a party of three.

By Heather Wright

While Disney World is the mecca of family vacations, this destination is also a great spot for couples to enjoy great amenities, recreation, fine dining, nightlife and an assortment of other activities geared to draw grownups.

By Heather Wright

American Thanksgiving is the real kick-off to the holiday travel season, people naturally want to be with their loved ones during this time but that often requires some travel, and quite often it means air travel.

By Freelance Contributor

Paris is rich in its layers of history, but few eras can compare to the explosion of creativity that centered in Montparnasse in the 1920's. Get ready to retrace the stomping grounds of the greatest minds of the 20th century: Gertrude Stein's studio on rue de Fleurus, Picasso's favorite cafes, and the watering holes where Fitzgerald ...

By Sara Whitford


Traveling internationally can be both rewarding and exciting. Along with seeing new places and experiencing new cultures you can take away memories that will last a lifetime. Almost every month there are stories about tourists being impacted by some event whether it be a natural disaster, political unrest or some other type of problem.

By Bob Bales

You have been planning and looking forward to that great getaway vacation and now the time is almost here.

By Bob Bales