Feet First Orthopedics specializes in treatment of foot and lower extremity pain via the use of custom foot orthotics. Our Canadian Certified Pedorthist - Frank MacCalder - is an expert in foot mechanics, foot orthotic assesment & fabrication. Frank brings over 20 years of unique experience from all aspects of Pedorthic care.
With our in-house custom orthoses fabrication, wide material selection options and the benefits of computerized CAD/CAM manufacturing and 3D scanning technologies, in addition to traditional foam casting and hand made craftsmanship we can deliver the best foot orthotics and results for you.
Our specialty is custom foot orthotic therapy and treatment of plantar fasciitis. We also offer biomechanical foot assessments, gait analysis, orthopedics shoe fitting, off the shelf (OTS) shoe insoles, knee bracing and AFOs, custom knee bracing and shoe modifications.
Call for your appointment today. We are here to serve you.